American Air and Water Ultraviolet Air Cleaners and UV Water Purifiers

Commercial UV Quote-Request Form


Once we receive your detailed request, we will calculate and send you a quote of the costs of materials and the estimated labor time needed with specifications for your particular needs.

Contact Name:

City, State, Zip:

E-mail address:

First Pass Kill Rate:
You can select more than one by pressing the Ctrl key.

Air Irradiation Treatment

   What is the use of the facility - do you have heavy traffic with many entries and exits or only minimum traffic)?

   What is the cfm of the unit(s)?

What is the amount of square feet you are covering with each unit?

What are the measurements of the duct(s)? Height and width?

What is the length of the supply duct(s)?

Do you have humidifiers in use with each unit? How many?

Do you have fresh air zonal controls? How many and what percentage of fresh air injection do you have at maximum?

   Do you have a positive or negative air pressure system?

What is the minimum air temperature?

Coil Irradiation Treatment

What is the measurement of the coil(s) Height and width?

What is the design of the coil?
You can select more than one by pressing the Ctrl key.

Do you have any other comments?

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